Sunday, July 12, 2009

How I Listen to Hip- Hop Music

La Wanda Harding
July 7, 2009
Hip- Hop and Culture
Professor Ryan

How I Listen to Hip- Hop Music
The following blog will discuss the following: (1) definition of music and its origin, (2) how I listen to Hip- Hop music, and (3) inspiring artists.
Webster dictionary defines music to be a form of art, which has a medium sound, that contains the following elements; pitch which contains melody and harmony, rhythm (that is mainly made up of tempo, meter, and articulation) dynamics, timbre and texture. This word derive from the Greeks, who identifies music to be an art of muse.
I strongly agree with Greeks, when one listen to music is it's enormously calming effects as well as the mind opening and meditative service it does to countless others. As music transcends the globe it helps the listener to become less egocentric, and become more exocentric to live outside themselves. The world is then open up to the listener no matter what mood he or she is in or the nationality.
For example the Jay- Z lyrics that speak about the unfair race relation inside the United States. And how he himself had to deal with racism first hand, although he had become a big time rap star and record executive.

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